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Showing posts from December 7, 2005

eBusiness Solutions - Why Your Small Business Needs One

The rapid growth of the internet commerce in recent years presents established small businesses with a serious dilemma. On the one hand you can stick with the business model that has worked for the last number of years. On the other hand, you can make the shift to serious eBusiness. Choosing to stand pat is usually much easier in the short term. But in the longer term this almost certainly means you will be left behind by technology, and lose many of your most important clients to more aggressive competitors. But shifting to eBusiness may involve committing substantial resources to developing a new game plan. That usually means refining product lines to make them easier to sell online, upgrading computer systems and websites, and training personnel at all levels to be more web savvy. It also means developing or hiring staff to handle the administration of new marketing, sales, and delivery systems, and working with outside consultants and service providers to handle the technical aspec...