By Phyllis Zalenski : The end of the year is often a time for making financial resolutions for the coming year. If one of your new year’s resolutions is to get out of credit card debt, try some of the tips below. Pay your bills on time. Don’t incur late payment fees or penalty rates. Credit card issuers could raise your rates several percentage points if you are late with your payment. Some issuers don’t disclose any particular penalty rate, but they state that they reserve the right to increase your interest rate if you significantly increase your total debt. Check your statements carefully to make sure all of the charges are correct. And also check your statements each month to make sure your rate hasn’t gone up, and that you understand the terms and conditions of the cards you hold. Call your current card issuer and ask that they lower your interest rate. Tell the card issuer that you’ve been a good customer for X years, that you’re making a resolution to improve your f...
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