Term life insurance is very simple, and can easily be purchased online. For this reason the number of people buying term life insurance online has doubled in two years. There are some advantages and disadvantages to buying term life insurance online. Advantages Term life insurance is simple, there is no cash value, so it is easy to comparison shop for the right policy for you There are numerous websites that will compare hundreds of different policies. This makes it easy to take advantage of a policy that you otherwise would not have found You eliminate salesmen that may have been able to convince you to buy a more expensive policy that you don’t really need. Disadvantages There is no personal service. If you have questions it is often hard to find someone you feel comfortable talking to Often agents can offer special rates or deals, and that is lost when you are working through comparison shopping online When you buy online, there is no one to walk you through...
It is all about information sharing. Repost the articles I had read which include science and technology issues to general current issues. Hopefully this blog could give the readers valuable input as I do and feel free to drop any comments for improvement and always remember, it is all about information sharing. Thanks for your time!!