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Showing posts from December 10, 2005

Desktop Buying Guide

This new entry will provide you a guideline for buying desktops. This article was published by ZDNet . First rule that you must remember is "fine the specs that are just right". Hopefully this article could give some tips or ideas before making any decisions for buying desktop. Find The Specs That Are Just Right Like most consumers, you probably have an idea of how much you want to spend on a desktop. But how do you ensure that you get exactly what you need? The different shapes and sizes, wide range of configurations, and seemingly constant arrival of new and faster processors all make for a difficult decision. To help you find the right mix, we've outlined five common user types which are Family, Student, Power user, Couch potato and Business user . Family Although a PC can play many roles in the home, most families will be best served by a mainstream model. Spending around $1,500 (add a couple hundred dollars if you want an LCD instead of a CRT display) will net you e...