fairinvestment.co.uk : Consumers spend almost 20 per cent more on their credit cards during December than any other month in the year, moneyexpert.com has revealed.The financial advice website warns that consumers should not get too carried away as the Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) experienced 77 per cent more calls during Christmas in 2004 than any other time. Consumers should also try to use the right type of credit card to pay for festivities, says moneyexpert.com. Chief executive of moneyexpert.com Sean Gardner said: "If you are financing Christmas on plastic, be really choosy about how you do it. Store cards should be avoided if you don’t aim to pay off the balance straight away. "Choosing the right credit card can be a good way to spread the cost of Christmas if you can't pay it off in January. However, as always, it's important to choose the right card for your needs as the wrong one can add to the cost of the holiday period in the long-run and can also ca...
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