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RFID - Radio Frequency Identification

The automatic identification and data capture has become a phenomenon to the business industry. During my research for my final project, I had found a few articles that really interesting to be share like below. Feel free to read!!

RFID Tags to Identify and Track Players
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2005-12-05 00:19.

Negone uses Sokymat 13.56 MHz RFID tags to identify and track the players inside the 4000 square building. Spanish high-tech entertainment company Negone is using RFID transponders for a revolutionary facility which recently opened in Madrid.

Negone 2 “La fuga” (the breakout) is a completely new entertainment concept combining both real and virtual experiences in which players have to solve quizzes and overcome obstacles in order to escape from “Mazzinia,” a futuristic high security prison.

Negone uses Sokymat 13.56 MHz RFID tags to identify and track the players inside the 4000 square meter fully-decorated building. The system consists of a network of 200 readers and control units. All identification points are connected by means of a CAN bus that makes it possible to collect data from players, activate doors and lights and also to verify the proper operation of every device in the network. The Sokymat transponders are embedded in the wrist wearable PDAs given to each player.

RFID is just one of technologies used in the game. There are also wearable PDAs custom-made for Negone 2, IR positioning systems and a powerful software application capable of generating a different game for each player.



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